We are Miss Globe Organization
Let's walk to the goal together.iss Globe International brand, after being taken over by Rasim Aydın, redefined its vision, view and goals in compliance with the matters mentioned above, decided to take on social reponsibilities and announced this notion to the public. It defined its missions to reach the set goals.
We as Miss Globe Organization are a global brand to which the women who have an innate beauty and charm, adopted intelligence, rational and creative thinking show interest. We have representatives, subsidiaries and role models in 90 countries that support our global posture.

Miss Globe International brand, after being taken over by Rasim Aydın, redefined its vision, view and goals in compliance with the matters mentioned above, decided to take on social reponsibilities and announced this notion to the public. It defined its missions to reach the set goals.
Accordingly, what can Miss Globe Organization do for solutions of the problems listed above?
We as Miss Globe Organization are a global brand to which the women who have an innate beauty and charm, adopted intelligence, rational and creative thinking show interest. We have representatives, subsidiaries and role models in 162 countries that support our global posture.
We believe that, noone should be a prisoner to an attitude of supressing one another where people hide behind the artificial concept of dominence and deficiency because of innate sex differences in men and women.
The creation of gender is not to establish superiority over each other but to complete a whole as two different pieces. Like no incomplete machine will work, women and men cannot produce any benefit, either; under the circumstances where they are inequal and do not share the obligations of life regardless of gender.
Violence against women cannot be prevented and women cannot be free of domestic violence and social pressure unless they realize their true potentials and attempt to take over equal responsibilities.
Women should continuously improve themselves, get rid of the tortures which are claimed to be religious demands, grow their children as productive individuals and so be an example to the society.
Because all the species act upon a perception of mauling the weaker. Women can get out of this cycle if and only if they take on social responsibilities and work under equal opportunities with men.
Our task is to find and reveal the perfect one by organizing a competition among girls who have the characteristics expressed in our publicly disclosed written conditions. Thus, organizing beauty contests to discover, adopt, educate and develop new role models and to promote the products and services of others; With this method, while bringing together the representatives of the countries with the competition, the aim is to create the opportunity for girls to showcase their talents by recreating the traditional queen crown ceremony with a current stage show. Thus, it is to provide pleasure and morale to the audience with the wonderful shows that emerge. The girl who participated in our competitions and won the national or international Miss Globe title and was deemed worthy to carry our crown; He is the person where beauty, creative intelligence and mind come together. We believe that girls with these characteristics are candidates to influence the masses. Girls who participate in this competition acquire skills that will be useful to them for the rest of their lives. Achieving this event secures the future of the Miss Globe Organization. Throughout our entire activity period, we work to guide International Miss Globe Girls, provide career training, and provide professional experience with the ability to create resources.
With the responsibility required to be a global brand in our field of activity; to protect our leadership and corporate governance of our community; To structure our business in an honest, fair and transparent manner, by respecting the laws and the environment, by fulfilling our social responsibilities, and to continuously improve our business according to social expectations and changes.
The word politics comes from the name of Aristotle’s classic work Politiká, which he wrote about the term ‘city affairs’. It is the combined pronunciation of the words man and city. However, in today’s sense, politics is used in the following sense. It is to convince the individual and society of this determined idea and make them become a party to it by using the public relations and dissemination method of a certain idea. As the Miss Globe Organization, we are a platform where girls between the ages of 17-25 compete every year in terms of beauty and maturity. The first application and acceptance are considered on the basis of beauty. However, in practice, we look at whether a young girl can carry her beauty as she deserves in society. Beauty is very, very important in influencing societies and the individuals who form it.
As a competition organization, we consider ourselves responsible for spreading the courage of girls who challenge on our platforms in terms of beauty. For this reason, we work to ensure that all women on earth have the same position and the same rights as men. We are developing some policies to realize this event and achieve success. The aim of these policies is for women to become conscious of their rights and become free. However, this view should not be confused with the ‘Feminism movement’. We do not say that women are superior to men. Women and men are two equal elements of society, but some men are not aware of this, we say that it is necessary to explain and convince them. Of course, while doing this, we know that women should also be aware of themselves and their characteristics all over the world. Therefore, the basis of our policy towards both women and men is to spread the idea that women have the same rights as men as individuals.
Politics reaches individuals using public relations and dissemination methods. Both concepts are studies aimed at convincing individuals who make up society. Promoting, which is a one-way notification that spreads an opinion to society, and public relations, which includes dialogue for the purpose of informing society, are our political tools.
The basis of our policy is that women who are aware of their own talents and characteristics take responsibility together with men in society. This high sense of responsibility also forms the basis of social development. Women give morale to society with their competence to be mothers and strengthen society.
Our policy was created by feeding on this view. There are dozens of countries where women are not equal to men in terms of rights and opportunities in society. We described the girls’ stage show as a great challenge. We encouraged the development of this challenge awareness and for women to share the same position with men. In this context, we use a certain amount of propaganda and public relations disciplines to achieve success. As the Miss Globe Organization, we do not only look at physical values when evaluating candidates. We also test the cultural background and social sensitivity of the participant.
The message in the competition is directed to the whole society. However, we aim to ensure that women, our most basic audience, are liberated and exalted in social life. Our messages are based on equality between the genders of men and women in terms of content. However, when we observe the whole event, our statements may not be balanced between men and women.
Because we think that women are already left behind and we support women more in order to close the gap.
For us, achieving harmony between a person’s inner world and outer shell is approaching perfection. Therefore, we determine our messages to exalt and liberate women. This is determined again every year by looking at social sensitivities.
The question we are frequently asked is; why women?
The reason for this is that women have not yet been able to establish a real level of equality of opportunity with men even today. Although the position of women has partially developed in the European geography, it is still controversial in many underdeveloped Middle Eastern countries. Not long ago, 5 years ago, whether women are human like men was discussed on a television program in Saudi Arabia.
In television programs that lasted 6 months; Anthropologists, sociologists and community leaders discussed for hours whether women can be human or not. In the conclusion, they were able to say that women can be human just like men.
In other words, even experts in Saudi Arabia have still not been able to say that women are human. In fact, the reason why these societies are underdeveloped is that women are not provided with equal opportunities. In such societies, women are deprived of all their rights and their individual development is also hindered.
So, while the situation is like this in the Middle East, let’s take a look at Europe.
In London, women were a commodity bought and sold in the market until 1956. In England, in the late 17th century, when divorce was only applicable to rich people, the sale of wives was a method of ending unsatisfactory marriages by mutual agreement.
A person would put a halter around his wife’s neck, arm or waist and sell her to the highest bidder in a public place. This custom forms the basis of Thomas Hardy’s novel The Mayor of Casterbridge. At the beginning of the story, the main character sells his wife, and then suffers from remorse for his actions, which destroys him.
This custom had no legal standing, however, and usually resulted in litigation, especially after the 1850s. The actions of the officers were inconsistent. In the early 1800s, a Justice of the Peace believed he had no authority to prevent the sale of wives. There were even local police officers who forced people to sell their wives. The sale of wives continued in various forms until the early 20th century.
According to the lawyer and historian James Bryce, writing in 1901, the sale of wives was still going on in his time. In 1913, a woman gave evidence to the Leeds Police Court that she had been sold by her husband to a work colleague for £1. This was the last reported sale of a wife in England. However, although sales made at later dates were not reported, the market where the sale of wives was held was finally closed in 1956.
The Miss Globe Organisation has been headquartered in Istanbul, Turkey since 2004. Today, the Republic of Turkey is one of the first countries where women and men have equal opportunities before the law and this right is guaranteed by law.
In Turkey, women’s right to vote and be elected has been guaranteed by a law enacted by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of the modern Republic of Turkey. This is a civilisational law for humanity. According to this law, women and men receive equal shares of inheritance. Both parties have equal rights in marriage and divorce. However, it must be acknowledged that this guarantee provided by the law is still not fully perceived by women and we cannot say that it is a guide to life. Granting the right to its owner is a separate issue, and the ability of the owner of that right to use that right is a separate issue of cultural competence.
Updated January 1, 2025